Soul Journey

Jennifer Colucci
2 min readAug 27, 2020
“Soul Journey” Street Art, Peru 2019

The artwork pictured above, “Soul Journey”, was created by a street artist in Cusco, Peru in the summer of 2019. This piece of art was created to showcase a soul journey through the three wolds during a shamanic medicine ceremony. This particular artist used vibrate colors, animal and plant representation as well as cylindrical strokes to depict the depth of the human subconscious mind.

The important details to pay attention to are the vibrate colors as they shift from blues and greens representing the earth and into oranges and reds representing the sky and cosmos. The various animals: snake, panther, hummingbird, and condor represent the three levels of life in the shamanic culture. The snake is about the underworld and seeing the shadow self. The panther is about the middle earth which the shamans see as the third dimension. The hummingbird gives life and pollinates joy and happiness. Finally, the condor, of the upper world, gives the soul vision to see beyond the illusion and into the great mystery of the unknown. The cactus that is shown on the right side of the piece, is a representation of the plant medicine consumed during the ceremony. The cylindrical stokes depict the layers of harvest, the cosmos, and the heavens above. In the center of the piece, you will see the triangular mighty city of Macchu Picchu known to historians for the advanced Incan civilization of Peru.

This art piece represents my life as I feel deeply connected to nature. As a child, I always played in the yard daydreaming at the clouds and watching the stars and moon. My dreams are very vivid and when I go into deep states of meditation, I always see cylindrical patterns and triangles of light. I believe we must enter into our shadow selves to see the light. I am constantly looking to understand the great mystery of life and the shamanic way resonates with my soul.



Jennifer Colucci

Student of life, spiritual seeker, world traveler, and lover of nature